“I CAN’T make that mistake at the meeting. They will think that my English isn’t good enough to do the job. I can make that mistake in a class but NOT at a meeting”.
A class and a meeting have nothing to do with each other. In your mind a class is “safe”. The meeting, on the other hand, is full of tigers judging your every word….
If that is how you feel about meetings then it really doesn’t matter how much grammar and vocabulary you study and practice. You will never communicate at your best.
You will avoid speaking English in real situations and therefore lose out on the practice.
You won’t communicate naturally because you are more focused on “not making a grammar mistake and looking stupid” than connecting with the people you are communicating with.
Instead of learning from your mistakes, you will use them to put more pressure on yourself.
As you take more and more classes but continue to hide in real situations, you will feel more and more frustrated.
English is not your first language. Using perfect grammar and vocabulary is a limiting and unrealistic objective for work that requires you to be an effective communicator in English.
If your company culture doesn’t support making mistakes, maybe it is time to move on.
If you don’t allow yourself to make mistakes in real situations, you will never become an excellent communicator in English.
“If you want to grow, you need to get over any fear you have of making mistakes.” John C. Maxwell
If you want to get over your fear of making mistakes, watch these FREE videos.