por emscdavis | Jul 7, 2020 | Inglés
If you would like to join the Reto, this is the last week that it includes a group session at the discount price. Make the most of it and come and join us! You can read more about the Reto and sign up here: Reto 21...
por emscdavis | Jun 9, 2020 | Inglés
In our Inglés 0,0 group session last week, the Nike «Just Do It» slogan came out, as a participant saw that he had been making his English-speaking life more complicated than it really is. He said that he wanted to participate more in group conversations in...
por emscdavis | Jun 3, 2020 | Inglés, Sin categoría
Just because you don’t have the same vocabulary in your native language and English, has nothing to do with being a child. Children don’t talk about work :P. Vocabulary is a tool. You can learn it naturally by reading, listening and practicing. Now,...
por emscdavis | Jun 1, 2020 | Inglés
“I CAN’T make that mistake at the meeting. They will think that my English isn’t good enough to do the job. I can make that mistake in a class but NOT at a meeting”. A class and a meeting have nothing to do with each other. In your mind a class is “safe”. The...
por emscdavis | Mar 11, 2020 | Inglés
¿Cuánto dinero y tiempo has invertido en clases de inglés en tu vida? ¿Cuántas veces has sentido que tu inglés no es suficiente? ¿A cuántas personas les has dicho que vas a estudiar más, que es tu asignatura pendiente? El gran negocio del inglés está basado en la...