Yesterday a new client told me that he was ‘blocked at the same level’ (in English).
What does it mean to be blocked? To be stuck, to be motionless, to be overwhelmed by a lack of movement.
Thus, the question is: Where do you want to move to?
In most cases, for the people I work with it is very clear:
They want to speak English with ease in work/group situations.
As simple as that. But we humans like to complicate simplicity :D.
So, you obsess about your level instead of:
a) Looking at where uncomfortable feelings in work/group situations come from.
b) Participating more and more in those situations.
Trust me, it’s not because of your level. I have worked with people who are practically bilingual and they feel uncomfortable speaking English in work/group situations.
The feeling of being blocked comes from measuring your success with the wrong measuring tape – that of the traditional education system: Memorise information! Never make a mistake! Give off an image of perfection!
Effective communication is about connection. While you obsess over grammar, your level and your image, you don’t connect with other human beings in English.
This makes you feel blocked, with no motivation to continue…and so you don’t naturally improve your communication in English.
Connection in work (and non-work!) situations is vital. Whatever the language.
If you speak perfect grammar and use impressive vocabulary but don’t connect, your communication is not effective.
Therefore, if you are feeling ‘blocked’, open up to the fact that you have done far too much thinking about English in your life…
‘La asignatura pendiente’ etc – It isn’t a subject, it’s a communication tool…
…You have converted it into this big ‘level monster’ that doesn’t really exist. 🙂
You are one conversation away from starting to communicate excellently in English.
And from learning way more effectively than you have done ‘toda la vida’.
If you would like to have that conversation, write to me at: emmacoach@ingleszerozero.com
This is my situation. I need emprove my english for my Job but I’m in the same level.
Thank you for your comment, Helga. One question: How do you know that you are at the same level?