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I’ve been receiving a number of calls from people telling me that they URGENTLY need English for a new job. 
I’m sorry to tell you that this URGENCY doesn’t work. 
Firstly because urgency is the best motor for INSECURITY: 
Do NOW or DIE!
You are taking a level of stress into the playing field that lowers your capacity for using the English tools you already have to communicate effectively at work.
It also lowers your capacity to learn. 
Secondly because “learning English” is a life-long adventure of having REAL LIFE experiences in English.
It is an adventure where you can constantly improve your language and communication skills. Not something you can “get done” in a month. 
What you CAN do in a month is COMPLETELY change your chip. 
Totally. 100%.
You can get into a RELAXED and CONFIDENT state of mind for communicating in English in real work situations, and for improving QUICKLY and ENJOYABLY. 
But for that you need to STOP nurturing your beliefs about you, your English, your past, your future, your mind, communication, stress…
Not everyone is prepared to do that. Some people prefer to suffer every time they have a meeting at work and blame their “English level”. 
They prefer to struggle with the “pending subject”, as they have been doing “all their life”…(it obviously isn’t working, they still feel insecure). 
If that is your case, please stop following me and leave my 0.0 group. 
If, on the other hand, you want to experience this change of chip, stay here, comment, ask.. and if you would like to talk to me about your goals and dreams, send me a private message. 
URGENCY will NOT work.