«Join our network of online meetings where you will speak English fluently + communicate effectively in international contexts. The method is 0.0 Excuses + Flow.»
Do you want to try it for free? Click here.
Hi, my name is Emma Claire Davis.
After more than 10 years helping professionals to speak English fluently, I have created a unique communication method that ensures that you:
- Speak up at work meetings in English.
- Don’t miss any professional opportunities due to English.
- Don’t have to study anymore.
- Speak English fluently, confidently and authentically (you feel like you) at meetings, presentations, interviews and social events.
- Convey your ideas and connect with your colleagues and clients in English.
The «0.0 English Practice Network» is an online and international group like in global business.
It is NOT an academy.
It is for ambitious professionals that want to be among the top communicators in English at work.
And that way achieve everything that they want to in their lives..
Here you can see us in action with testimonials:
Why English-Learning Methods Usually Fail
Because you are not really motivated.
Your mind is too saturated to be motivated.
Your head is full of thoughts about your English («I’m bad at it», «my pronunciation is bad», «my level isn’t high enough» etc)…
With the 0,0 Method you will communicate effectively in English + you will learn much more quickly in the following way:
a) Accessing your optimal mental state.
b) Practicing in real situations.
Not because you have to do it but because you’ll want to.
It will make your life easier and more interesting, enabling you to do what you really want to do.
As simple as this: 0 Excuses, 0 Stress.

I offer you the chance to accompany us this week FREE
So that you can experience how this method works.
Don’t leave it until tomorrow! Remember, 0 excuses, 0 stress.
>> Click here to request your FREE trial <<
Who am I?
I am a transformative coach, high-impact trainer, speaker, writer and singer.
I KNOW EXACTLY how you feel: when I did my Erasmus in Seville en el 2007, I barely spoke Spanish.
I have learnt to speak Spanish in real situations (not in classes) and freeing my mind from the insecurities that get in the way of communication and the capacity to learn effectively.
I am a co-author of the book «Haz Lo Que Temas Hacer«, awarded the prize of the best personal development book 2017 (Círculo Rojo).
I have carried out coaching processes and training for professionals from companies like Microsoft, Santander, Volvo, Phillip Morris, Meliá Hotels International, Naturgy and Daimler.
I am the founder of the 0.0 English Practice Network, and the co-founder of Reconnect Weekends, where I lead retreats in Spain and Germany.
I co-lead workshops about communication and leadership skill in Agile teams.
I began my career in a top training company in Spain, Vaughan Systems, where I trained directors and professionals in public speaking skills and the use of the language.
In 2013 I trained as a professional coach with the official Spanish Coaching Organisation, ASESCO.
In 2018-2019 I trained as a transformative coach. I attended an intensive course with the top international transformative coach, Michael Neill for a reduced group of professional coaches.
Ah, and I am also the co-founder and president of a public speaking club, part of Agora Speakers International, and the lead singer of a rock band.
What will you find inside the 0.0 English Practice Network?
Group Sessions on Zoom of 2 types, alternating each week:
- Coaching sessions in English. A safe place to speak confidently and fluently in English.
- Conversation sessions. To speak about all the topics that are important to you and useful.
- Private access to Quantum platform with relevant audiovisual material to see at your own pace.
- 1 private Telegram group to be able to communicate in English and network in any moment.
- The recordings from the sessions. If you can’t attend one, you have access to the recording after.
- Feedback from your contributions in the sessions. You can ask me for feedback after the session.
- A system to measure your progress through challenges.
- Safe payment by card.
Have you decided already?
Join us!
- Safe payment by card.
- The 0.0 English Practice Network only costs 49€/month.
- WITHOUT a time commitment.
Crystal clear, I’m signing up!
>>> Click here to sign up <<<
We are not an academy, you won’t have to study.
My method is based on empowering the English you already have, without effort and without excuses.